

Vibrance is an interactive art installation using the voice and human body to reveal the invisible waves of sound.

November 2022, I worked with Bruno Ribeiro and his team to set up his new interactive installation. In discussion with Bruno I was in charge of creating the interactive visual contents.

We set up a custom system (Notch, Ableton, Chataigne) allowing us to make the spectators' movements interact with the video, sound and light.

“What if you could transform yourself into a monumental kinetic light sculpture with your voice?

With a 3D camera, a microphone, real-time video, a transparent led screen and a matrix of moving lights, Vibrance generates a unique artwork for each participant.

Sound affects our bodies, minds and spirit in many different ways. With a playful and poetic approach, the installation aims to reveal the dimensions of sound and their effect on the human body.”

Concept / Design / Music / Art Direction
Bruno Ribeiro

Light Designers
Alex Hardelet and Victor Lacombe
Creative Technologist
Charles Sadoul

Real-time graphics
Alex Le Guillou
Marie Dussart

Havas Events / Noor Riyadh Festival

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