immersive art festival

Project Type
Immersive video projection

Ateliers Des Lumières, Paris


Main visual concept, Art Direction, Motion graphics

Notch, After Effects

The IMMERSIVE ART FESTIVAL is a festival devoted to graphic design and immersive digital design. For the first edition, it takes place in l’Atelier des Lumières, Paris, from 17 to 24 of October 2019.

SUPERBIEN, trusted me to design a 4 minutes sequence especialy adapted to the Atelier des Lumières in Paris.
The works must not only use all the Atelier’s technological power (140 video projectors, 50 speakers, 3,000 m2 of projection surface, etc.), but also present a completely immersive and original artistic concept.
Our project SIDEREA has been awarded with special jury mention for the best narrative and staging.   

I was involved from the beginning  of this project so I could explore differents visual environnements and developped my main idea:
illustrate and set in motion an interstellar phenomenon.

the story

“We propose to highlight our interpretation of a gravitational anomaly called “Siderea”, an unknown force located at the confines of the Universe, in the center of the Great Attractor. Beyond what our eyes and minds could have imagined, and using geometric and scientific landmarks to set up a palpable and dimensioned universe, we wish to tell a deeply immersive story, exploring the emotion that can arise from the discovery of such a stellar phenomenon. Freely inspired by the exceptional explorations and advances made in the field of astronomy, we wish to use the Atelier Des Lumières as a privileged place to observe this extraordinary
celestial object.”

Prints and posters


PROCESS STILLS / early researches

For my process and creation steps, I use realtime particle simulation (using Notch) to shape differents flows. This sequences were then calculated in high resolution to cover the very large surfaces of the place.