visual exploration
FLAME is a personnal visual exploration and a reflection about how machines perceive our world. How they could reproduce natural environments in their own way.
Here it is an abstract interpretation of a heat flow. The slowing down of time offers a contemplation of the observed phenomenon.
This work is a part of a series of graphic experiment about natural environnements and organic phenomenons.
Please watch FOREST and WOODS WALK that are part of the same series.
The work is a recording of particle systems influenced by forces and procedural noises, running real time 4k resolution. The combination of parameters represents a unique composition at each instant.
Available via FRAMED
Music: excerpt from Laurie Spiegel - The Unquestioned Answer
2020. Exposed in Dong Gallery, Tapei, Taïwan. 90mx3m LED Screen

Here is some snapshots of the creative process.